Tuesday 14 September 2010


Blaarrrghhh! Brain melt, chocolate melt, melt melt melt. It's SO HOT and humid here. I was travelling for a good 20 hours or so and barely slept on the plane (I never do) but somehow I'm here in my little Japanese dorm room, with all of my luggage. Some extremely kind Japanese students met us at the airport and pointed us in the right direction and then some more even NICER Japanese students met us at Shinjuku station, took us (i.e. a little japanese girl in heels wheeled my 26kg suitcase) to Takadanobaba station where we took a bus then walked to the dorm. Then a very helpful man showed me how to use a key, where to keep my shoes and the extractor fan for the laundry rooms (I know a good joke about an extractor fan but this isn't the time) and bleerghh my brain has just MELTED with info OVERLOAD.

I seriously need a shower. Chronically.


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