Saturday, 18 December 2010

A week 'till Christmas! It's snuck up on me. I have advent calendars, the shops are playing Christmas music (frosty the snowman trance remix in the supermarket, seriously) and there are christmas lights everywhere. But, for me, it's just not Christmas without Mum and Dad. Happily they arrive on Tuesday!

A spanner in the works is this weather they've been getting in the UK. For 21 years I longed for a white Christmas and the one year it looks like it might actually happen and I've emigrated! I see from Facebook statuses that a few friends have been having trouble travelling with airport closures and flight cancellations. I really really hope this all gets sorted out as soon as possible, not least so my parent's trip isn't messed up. We've been planning this for months, it would be crushing for it to fall at the first hurdle of them getting to Japan.

Fingers crossed the weather behaves itself on Monday and they can get here safely.

I can't wait for them to get here and to begin our holiday. We're going skiing in Nagano, then to Hiroshima and Kyoto by shinkansen, it's going to be so much fun. I'm really looking forward to a few weeks off from uni, too.  I'm still struggling with my Japanese lessons and, once the review test it out of the way on Tuesday morning, I can go and meet Mum and Dad and start relaxing!

Also - I've booked flights home for February. I'll be in Blighty 9th Feb - 8th March :D

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