On Thursday last week, the FCO lifted its travel advice against all but necessary travel to Tokyo. This meant that our trip to Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima was back on, except that I'm in the wrong country. I'll now be flying out on the same flights as my parents (using my frequent flier miles to bump myself up to premium economy - I'm really excited about this!) and all the original plans for the trip will be going ahead. We're all very excited that the-trip-that-was-not-meant-to-be will be going ahead (fingers crossed). It was really our trip of a lifetime, with hours and hours of planning behind it and its previous, failed attempt in December. I'm so excited!
In other news, however, I will not be returning to study at Waseda.
I made this decision, not least, because there are still large aftershocks and occasional tsunami warnings being issued. Do I want to live somewhere where my parents and boyfriend will be worried for my safety? This might sound a bit contradictory as we are returning to Tokyo for a few days during our holiday, but it is the decision I have made. Leeds University have been really understanding - it counts as special circumstances so I will just progress straight on to my final year in September with no extra work required.
I'm really sad that my year abroad has come to such a unexpected and abrupt ending. I've met wonderful, interesting people from all over the world. I really hope that when I leave Japan on the 30th April it's neither the last time I see Tokyo nor all the friends I have made there.